Monday, March 9, 2009

Meine Familie

Before dinner with friends

The boys...being so stinkin' cute...
LOVE how nasty their little faces are!

Courtesy of Sam Thompson photography...
He loves to steal my camera and take some shots on it...Some of them aren't so bad...some of them are!

We decided to let Sam play buddy ball this year. Last year Sam was just too immature for sports. He would be exhausted and ready for bed at 7 pm and we knew a ball game would send him over the cliff! So the other night I was helping him with his bath and I informed him that this year he was going to get to play baseball...oh. my. GOOD. LORD...
He shot up like a rocket ship out of the bathtub waving his hands in the air like a Whitfield resident! With the widest grin streaking across his precious little face he screamed "I have been waiting for this day all my life! For fifty thousand years MOMMA!"
Laughter abounds...
I dream about the day I get to sit at the ball field and watch my boys play. They might not be the biggest kids on the block but dang it my boys can THROW a ball! Yes, I said BOYS...ask any member of my family...when Chap throws something we all flinch in fear of losing an eye!
My dreams of being baseball Mom are coming true....

1 comment:

Shane, Natalie, Madelyn & Murphy said...

I love your hair in the pic with Chivas!! Too cute! SASSY!