So there is a guy who recently conducted a study referred to as "SAT scores vs Music You Listen to" to conclude if there is any correlation between the music a person listens to and their intelligence. Turns out there IS...
Of course the brightest markers in the box listen to Beethoven:-) I was pleasantly surprised to see that Sufjan Stevens, Guster, Muse, and Norah Jones all are listened to by high-scorers! Death Cab for Cutie (my FAVS) were also at the top of the scale!!! I guess I'm doing really well!
What artists/bands are listened to by the lowest scorers you might ask????
Kenny Chesney, T.I., Beyonce', and Justin Timberlake...and ofcourse DEAD LAST is Lil' Wayne! I laughed out loud and was not the least bit surprised;-) Want to check it out??