Monday, September 24, 2012

Baby Love

We've made some serious progress in Knox's nursery! PRAISE THE LORD! I was determined to have it completed before October and we beat our goal! Whoop, whoop!
There are still some minor adjustments to make but we have all the time consuming tasks finished. My precious, sweet as pie, ridiculously talented neighbor/friend painted Chivas' grandmother's glider and I had it re-upholstered.  Wonder if I blogged about that? Hmmm....
Anyways, if you don't have a piece of Lisa Singletary's art/furniture, add it to your Christmas list!! I ADORE everything she has ever created for me...and trust me, I'm a tough crowd!
So as a precious gift from her and her sweet little family, she created the most perfect name sign for his room. I AM IN LOVE>...and she is making a frame to match! Check it out:-)

I'll post complete photos of the entire room after I finish moving some things around! It's honestly the most calming room...we love...big time...

So here's the deal...
I am on the fence...more like wobbling to the negative side about posting maternity photos.  You know how it is...a pregnant Momma sure doesn't feel like the belle of the ball. But then you have all the folks who are ALL ABOUT a pregnant bump.  I reluctantly agreed to one photo and pray no one looks at it and here goes!

25 weeks:-)

Okay, so enough of that! Let's update on my sweet pumpkin, Knox!
He never. stops. moving. ever.
I'm hoping he "gets his silly's out" before he is born. No one likes staying up all night, right!?!?
I honestly wake up during the night and he's having a serious dance party. He takes little naps throughout the day but honestly doesn't remain still (assuming asleep) for longer than 15 minutes or so. We are all so ready to hold him and smell him and even change his diapers. Sam and Chap are honestly as excited as me and Chivas...I can't wait...precious moments coming our way!

BUT...there's always a but you know...I've got to remain pregnant so that we get a chubby full term, healthy baby instead of a premature sweetie.
I'm not very good at carrying babies full term. Sam was born at 35 weeks with a halted (grueling, hospitalized) premature labor at 33 weeks. Healthy...thank you sweet Jesus.
Chap was born at 36 weeks. Healthy...PTL
And now I am diagnosed with incompetent cervix...ugh those words:-(
I don't like personal details but basically I'm not standing for longer than a few minutes at a time, not walking long distances, and having lots of side lying rest. Don't get excited...not the vacation I was hoping for. But, anything for baby Knox. I have cervical length checks via ultrasound every week to 2 weeks to make sure I haven't progressed further. And guess what? It actually lengthened itself the last time! Amazing human mother body...thumbs up!
Please pray for a LONG, full term pregnancy and next time you see Chivas, please give him a high five for being a champion husband and father! I'm telling you, he has stepped up! We go back next Tuesday so I'll try to update then! 

Is it FIRE DAY yet?!?!

Chapper looked forward to their field trip to the fire station ALL WEEK last week. Every morning he woke up and asked "is it fire day?!?!"  He's coming out of his shell some and actually thought about shaking Sparky's hand...big milestone for Chap. Of  course, he ultimately decided against it BUT atleast he didn't cry when he saw him! I'll take that! He was so excited that his Daddy walked with his class. Mommy got to drive there! Ahhh the perks of pregnancy...

Maybe one day I can talk Chap into smiling for a picture;-)